Sunday 8 May 2011

Believers vs Deniers IS the new Perpetual Global War

Steve Pieczenik appeared on the Alex Jones Show on 3rd May. He proceeded to spill the beans on the official Osama Bin Laden story, 9/11, false flag terror and Washington psy-ops. I was glued to the video for 2 hours. It was epic.

He named names, blew whistles, and claimed he would testify in a federal court as to the name of the American General who told him "9/11 was a false flag". He told Alex's listeners to look into President Obama's background in Chicago. He said the elites in Washington are dumber than we think; that the American public are being played for fools.

In other words, he gives us all the info and the ammo we need to become fully fledged, professional deniers.

Once locked into the Denial mindset, you will then start spotting denial-centric tidbits of information drip fed through the mainstream media:
- ever-changing official story, check
- isuckatphotoshop fake photos, check
- staged photo ops, check
- conflicting and opposing information & official announcements, check, check

This entire media game isn't about scoring election points, it isn't even about justifying military action. It's about setting up a dynamic of information between individuals that will be fought over, argued about and discussed for years with no conclusion, ever. It is the game of the infinite verbal.

If you were to take a snapshot of all the online news related to the Abbottabad operation on May 1st - all of it - from Reuters to AP to alternative news and conspiracy sites - you'd have an entire spectrum of information, and depending where you find yourself on the Believer/Denier scale, you'd find what you need. That's why the story shifts and moves and changes over time and looks confusing, it's the spectrum being populated with infos.

So the entire media operation surrounding Bin Laden's alleged death is clearly designed to break people into Believers or Deniers - with enough information put into the pot for both sides to go at it for years. For years, and nobody has the truth or the proof because it wasn't put into the pot in the first place. And alternative media sites have played their part in this, responding predictably in a manner that ties people into their own personal hell of infinite verbal.

The problem with the 'Truth Movement' is that it is being kept entirely occupied with pointing out falsehoods.


1 comment:

  1. Good work brother

    The whole debate etc is working in the 'dark forces' favour. The population in general are sucked in by the lies and will continue to question and belittle the true 'truth seekers'
